Can you do readings over the phone?
I can do readings over the phone. If you would prefer this option to zoom please message me via the page.
What do you need to be able to do an email reading?
For me to able to connect to your energy to be able to do your email reading I need a photo of your face only (with no filters). This needs to be sent to olivetreetarot@outlook.com along with your payment reference which needs to be sent via Paypal to olivetreetarot@outlook.com.
How long does each reading session take?
The zoom readings can be either 30 minutes or 1 hour in duration. However depending on the information I am given these can go over slightly.
What do readings cover?
My readings cover the below:
Any situations that are coming up
(The zoom readings allow for any questions you have)
Can I fast track an email reading or three question reading?
If you are wanting your reading back earlier than the expected waiting times please contact the page to see if I am able to accommodate this for you. This will depend on work levels I have at the time.